July 31, 2012

Stand in the Light

Last week I posted about soaking up the good.
A few days later I heard a much-loved song.

This is the chorus:

hagar/harms lyrics

Uh hu.

Isn't it completely true that you have to go through darkness in order to find the light?

Think about it.

It can apply to so many things.




Once you move through it, you tend to see things differently.

In a whole new light.

And like the lyrics say, it's all a process. Nothing is learned or gained instantly.

We have to work on it.

Because life is a journey.

So is happiness.


It can be exhausting.

But there is light.

And we can stand in it.

July 28, 2012

Angry Jennifer!

Things that make me angry include:
  • Mother Nature jerking us around - all I want is 2 little months of sun. Why is that so much to ask?
  • Whiny children - why can't you just speak in a normal voice?
  • Spills - the child spills something, but it's mom who has to clean it up.
  • Pimples - especially at 38 years old. This is making me angrier and angrier. I mean, my face is behaving better lately, but who knows when it will freak out again, and don't even get me started on body acne!
  • Completely inconsiderate people who won't give their seat to a pregnant woman.
  • Parents who stubbornly refuse to leave a public place with their screaming child.
  • When my children won't acknowledge that I've just spoken to them.
  • Lying (except for little white lies; that's usually just being nice)
  • When things don't work the way they're supposed to.
  • Entertainers who completely mess up their lives and waste their talents.
  • When a TV show I love is canceled without a decent ending.
  • Looking forward to eating something only to discover that someone else got to it first.
  • The phrase "I can't".
  • Anything negative (intolerance, war) in the name of God.
  • When a restaurant takes my favorite dish off their menu.
  • People who complain all the time.
  • Those who think they're better.

Inspired by Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop.
Edited and linked up for:
Stasha, the #1 sound I hate the most is
the sound of my phone ringing in the middle of the night
when Mark is in the hospital.

What makes you angry?

July 25, 2012

Soaking Up the Good

The working title of this post was "Trying to Soak Up the Good".

Because when I first thought to write it a few weeks ago, I was still merely trying.

I'm glad I was slow to get back to it, because after awhile, I realized that I AM soaking it up.

I really am.

This is huge.

I'm not feeling guarded or cynical these days.

I can't say I never think about the tough stuff anymore. My worries will always be there. My concern for my husband's health continues to nag at me.

But I am fully living in the now....the calm of Mark being stable, summer, my kids, gardening, walking, taking pictures, friends and family....not even thinking too much about September.

Right here. Right now.

I feel like my inner thoughts and desires were heard and answered, allowing me to slowly find peace.

Peace in the face of some scary shit. Peace with what was, is and will be.

It's been a process to get to this place. But being here feels great! I feel stronger and more confident.

I feared I could get stuck in that cynical and angry phase. Instead I feel more open. I'm astonished at what the difficulties in my life have shown me*.

No matter what life throws at me, at us, I know at the core of my being that everything will work out for the best. I know this because I have faith in the bigger picture.

"This too shall pass."

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

"Every dark cloud has a silver lining."

These are not merely trite pearls of wisdom. There is Truth in them.

Things can suck. Things can suck hard. Things can feel like the sky is falling and you want to hide under a rock.

Shit happens, and it will happen some more.

But today, things are good. I'm content and satisfied, feeling positive and grateful.

It sure feels good.

*Now let's hope I didn't just jinx myself!

I poured my heart out and am hanging at yeah write.

July 24, 2012

Vocabulary Lesson


My 6 year old son learned this word from his kindergarten teacher:
o·vip·a·rous   [oh-vip-er-uhs]
adjective Zoology .
producing eggs that mature and hatch after being expelled from the body, as birds, most reptiles and fishes, and the monotremes.
That's a very sophisticated vocabulary word for a kindergartner, don't you think?

And, the definition of oviparous gave me another word I didn't know and needed to look up:
mon·o·treme   [mon-uh-treem]
any animal of the Monotremata, the most primitive order of mammals, characterized by certain birdlike and reptilian features, as hatching young from eggs, and having a single opening for the digestive, urinary, and genital organs, comprising only the duckbill and the echidnas of Australia and New Guinea.
Uh. OK.

Wait. What?

The duck-billed platypus is a monotreme.

Oh, that explains it.

No it doesn't. I mean, can a duck-billed platypus really be explained?

Anyway, my point is, my son's kindergarten teacher taught him, and he in turn taught me.

I didn't know the word oviparous (nor monotreme) before my son excitedly recounted what he had learned in school.

I love that!
National Geographic

July 21, 2012

Alone Time 2012

*I wrote this post last July. Am recycling it today for Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop. It has been edited and updated so as not to completely plagiarize myself. The original is HERE.


It seems to be very hard for moms to admit they need time away from their children.  Or time away from their spouse.  And when we do admit it, we tend to carry some guilt over it.

It could be on a daily basis or only every once in awhile.  The guilt is the same.

Working moms feel bad that they aren't the stay-at-home mom types (or simply can't be), and the stay-at-home mom types feel bad for not having a paying job.  Maybe not all the time, but the twingy feelings pop up here and there and we find ourselves questioning our decisions.

And people wonder why the "mommy wars" are such a sore subject!

These are not small issues.  But one that shouldn't be such a difficult issue is the desire for some time to yourself.  Really, who doesn't need that sometimes?  My friend JHo calls it "Zen Jen" time.  I once stole that phrase from her even though she still calls me Jenni.  JHo strategically plans to take a day or two off work, when her husband and kids will still be otherwise occupied, and spends the time doing whatever she wants to.  It's genius!

When I was younger I had no desire to do anything alone.  I couldn't understand people who didn't mind, or even liked, going out to eat by themselves.  Or shopping or to a movie or even just spend time at home alone.  Why would you want to do that?  Don't you feel lonely?  Don't you worry that you look like a loser who doesn't have any friends?

I was clingy.  I met my husband when I was 20 and I drove him nuts with wanting us to be together 24/7 and my feelings got hurt when he wanted to go off and do something without me.  I felt jealous of his best friend, who didn't even live anywhere near us.  Thankfully, while Mark didn't like this particular aspect of my personality, he did like the rest and chose to stick it out until I grew out of it.

Now I know those feelings I had didn't have anything to do with anyone else.  It was all about insecurity, a lack of confidence in myself.  A lack of knowledge of myself.  Over the years I've learned a lot.  I've learned that people get along with each other better when they don't spend too much time together, and when they get to have time to think and absorb and ponder the goings-on in their lives.  And to do the things that make them happy.

Unfortunately, I didn't really learn this until I was married and become a mother.  And  then it's a little more difficult to find the time for yourself.  Good job, me!

Now I know I'm a better mom and wife when I get some time away, out with my friends or just home alone for awhile.  Oh how I love being home alone!  I can either leave it quiet or I can play MY favorite music and sing out loud to it.  I can choose to get some chores done without anyone in my way, or I can just do whatever.  I know, I know, you're probably thinking I shouldn't do chores.  But let me tell you.  I can do them so much faster when everyone is gone, and then it still frees up time to do other things later.  Although, this summer, I'm all about the slacking!

I love my family to the moon and back.  But sometimes....sometimes I just want to be alone.  Or to go out and do something with friends.  It's not selfish, either.  It's good for everyone involved.  My dad tells me that when my grandfather was asked how does he keep his wife happy, a housewife with 5 kids, my grandfather replied that you have to get her out of the house at least once a week.  My grandfather was a smart man.


Do you feel like you get enough alone time?

July 20, 2012

TGIF: Just July

Hello lovely people who read my blog! It's....

This is the 45th TGIF and I have to admit, I'm getting a little burned out on it.

Not burned out on HAPPINESS, of course. Never that!

Just the weekly commitment of writing a post or having a guest and hosting a link-up. A link up that's not even a huge hit.

And that's OK. I understand that Fri-Sun seem to be pretty iffy blogging days for most. I don't take it personally.

Unless I should. Should I? Do people not like me enough to link up with me? Is there something wrong with my blog? Does it have cooties?

Pfft. Whatever. People just aren't as happy as I am. Yeah, I bet that's it! Ssh ssh, there there, blog, my precious, don't listen to those meanies....

Moving on!

So, I have one more guest lined up for next week and I haven't asked anyone for August yet, so I think it's a good time to stop keeping up with this little meme.

In the meantime....July is usually a pretty good month around here, and this one is no exception.

We had the 4th of July:

Camryn's birthday:

Our anniversary:


An outing with Grampa

This bowl of watermelon makes me happy!

And yesterday? I decided there was no good reason why I shouldn't be able to mow the lawn if I feel the need (and if Mark isn't up to it). I turned to twitter for help with starting the lawnmower. One of the people helping was my BFF @MomRocksMeals who, after the deed was done, offered, "You came, you mowed, you kicked some grass!"

Hahahaha! I am pretty proud of myself. Both Mark and my dad said I did a good job. I'm still afraid to grill, though.

Now it's your turn to spread the HAPPY!
Write. Button. Link.

PS: If you're interested in helping to feed the hungry, especially kids during the summer, please check out my Fruit for All Project Giveaway. I'll be drawing the winner of 400 meals donated to their local food bank tomorrow morning!

July 18, 2012

Fourteen Years of Marriage

Today is my 14th wedding anniversary. Yay us!

I have such a hard time with saying only that, though. Because we've been together a total of 18 years. Those first 4 years were nothing to sneeze at!

I mean, we met at a school for the blind and moved in together after less than than 6 months. Mark's kidneys failed, he got a dual kidney and pancreas transplant, and then had cataract surgery and could see well enough to drive again. We both took college classes and worked.

THEN we got married.

So to honor those 4 years, I wanted to share the first portrait of us EVER. Try not to laugh....

No, your eyes do not deceive you. Mark does indeed have a mullet and a mustache. And I thought my hair looked so good. It didn't.

But I still love this picture. As you can see it is in a frame and it hangs on our bedroom wall. It's us in our very first year and that makes it special.

July 16, 2012

A Simple Gratitude Post

Gratitude is a huge thing. Oprah once encouraged us to keep a gratitude journal. Now there's an app for that!

My labels tell me I have written something about gratitude over 40 times right here.

I do like to live with a grateful heart. I believe it's one of the keys to happiness.

My next tattoo will be the word "Thankful".

But I have not written a simple gratitude post in a long time.

I am grateful for....

1. Summer! It has been so nice and warm and just....ahhhh. The last three days not withstanding.

2. Gardening - I am so happy to finally have some plants around the house. But, not INSIDE. I mean literally AROUND the house.

3. Mark being OK right now - he's OK enough to work a little bit.

4. Dialysis schedule change - I think the change in Mark's dialysis schedule is good for him. He no longer has a 2 1/2-day stretch between treatments each week. That's gotta be good for his body! Still getting used to it, though.

5. Motivation to walk - being a part of Run. Blog. Give. has me getting out for a walk almost every day.

6. Doing good with my blog - I am currently running a giveaway that will help feed the hungry. This is something I care about so I'm grateful to have been given the opportunity.

7. Instagram and the #PHOTOADAY challenge - both have shown me this little layer of creativity I didn't know I had, and that even a partially blind girl can tap into. PhotoADay makes me pay more attention to the world around me, and I love seeing others' takes on the prompts.

8. Switching back to streaming Netflix - the same price as the one-at-a-time DVD plan, but INSTANT. I know not everything one might want to see is available instantly, but that's what Redbox is for. Also? It's perfect for summer.

9. Getting rid of some crap Selling some stuff at our garage sale.

10. #SummerSlackers - hose of us who have decided that cleaning is NOT a priority during summer break. Still doing my regular maintenance, but you know what I realized? There are actually times when I want to clean something, so I do. I wonder if taking the pressure off has something to do with that. Hmmm, the reverse psychology of a SAHM?

July 13, 2012

TGIF: Bees With Honey Edition

Another two weeks, another guest for....

Today I bring you the lovely, the sweet, my Canadian neighbor, Bruna of Bees With Honey!

And I think having her write a TGIF post in the summer was exactly how it was meant to work out. Because, as you will see, this girl loves summer!

* * *

Bees With Honey

TGIFS: Thank God it’s Finally Summer!

I don’t know about anyone else or anywhere else, but the beginning of summer was long overdue here where I live in beautiful British Columbia, Canada.

Now that it’s here, I’m in my glory and it’s because summer, to me, is like it being Friday every day for 10 full weeks.  Summer, of course, is way longer than 10 weeks but once we’re back to school; summer is officially over even if the season still continues.  You know what I mean? Back to work, back to reality.

Some parents love summer break and others hate it. Some love having their children home for the long haul while other parents go bananas trying to keep them entertained and out of their hair.

As a teacher, I am one of those parents who feel blessed to be able to stay home with the kiddos

during the two month break from school and for oh so many reasons!

Summer means …

being able to keep the kids up later at night and sleeping past 8am every morning.

no mad rush to get anyone ready for school or work in the mornings including myself.

no making lunches every night and laying out clothes for the next day.

no homework to help with.

BBQ dinners every night and dining out on our back deck.

Sharing Corona’s, Bud-Light Limes, Sangria and margarita drinks with friends.

sprinklers,  slip and slides and swimming for the kids.

bike riding.

weekend road trips to the USA to visit my husband’s family and friends.

outlet mall shopping. Need I say more?


time spent at my parent’s summer home in Birch Bay, Washington.

wearing flip-flops, shorts and tank-tops and enjoying the wonderful warmth of the sun’s rays.

beautifully, coloured and manicured toes.

roasting marshmallows and making S’mores by the fire.

taking photos of my family with my digital SLR Nikon camera and playing around with different settings and lenses.

weekend getaways with just the hubby while grandparents watch our girls for us.

lots of rest and relaxation!

and so much more!

Summer is my favourite season of the year. I am truly at my happiest when the sun is shining, I am warm, surrounded by family and relaxed.
Life doesn’t get much better than this!

Thank you to Jennifer for having me as a guest on her blog.  I feel honoured she invited me to share her bloggy space today.  I love her TGIF meme and encourage all of you to link-up your happy every Friday.  Tell all your friends about it too!

* * *

I think I must agree with much of what Bruna has said here. While I think there are things to love about all the seasons, summer in the Pacific Northwest is just such a treat.

If you don't already know Bees With Honey, check out your follow options:

Now I want to hear YOUR happy, so write, include the button, link!

July 12, 2012

Nestle Juicy Juice #FruitforAll Project Giveaway!

Do you remember late last month when I wrote this post in which I mentioned the Juicy Juice Fruit for All Project?
Well I did, and I am very excited to be able to participate in something that will give my local food bank, and one of YOUR local food banks, 400 meals.

That's right, this right here, is a post for a CHARITABLE giveaway!

How awesome is that?

It's awesome because...

All of this is in partnership with

Food is a basic human need. No one should have to go without it. It's just logical to me.

My local food bank is the Marysville Community Food Bank, where visits there are up 8% over last year. The need is real, and it's right in our backyards.

So if you care about helping end hunger in your community, enter the Nestle Juicy Juice giveaway to win a donation of 400 meals to your local food bank!

Ways to Enter

Mandatory: Leave me a comment telling me a little something about the need in your community.

Extra entry: Tweet I just entered to win a donation of 400 meals for my local food bank from @JuicyJuiceUSA's #FruitforAll Project, hosted by @JenAnnHall! and leave a separate comment with the tweet URL.

You can connect with Nestle Juicy Juice and the Fruit for All Project on

I am not being compensated in any way for this post, except for the warmth in my heart knowing that I am doing something good. This giveaway will run for 10 days and is open to US residents. A winner will be selected from a count of the comments and the number plugged into random.org on Saturday, July 21, 2012.


July 11, 2012

Talking to my daughter about sex on a random summer afternoon seems as good a time as any.

Today is my daughter's 12th birthday. Camryn is my Millennium Baby.

Her due date was the 4th of July, but she was a week late. I was scheduled to be induced late on the 13th so when I went into labor on my own early in the morning on the 11th, I was in complete denial, and didn't make it to the hospital until I was dilated 8 centimeters. My baby girl came into the world at 11:05 AM looking exactly like her father. I still don't understand how that can make for a cute baby girl, but somehow it does.

Just as I teach Cami things, she teaches me too. I was not an incredibly patient person before she was born. There's something about pacing and pacing the house trying to get a tired baby to sleep that makes you patient. She is a lot like her dad, something I really didn't prepare myself for. Instead of butting heads with her because she sees things differently than I do, I'm learning to simply tell her my way of thinking, and let her determine her own way. Sometimes she's nice and decides to agree with me.

I mention a lot that Camryn has ADD. For her it manifests as "chatty cathy", shy, inattentive and naive. For years I have genuinely appreciated her naivete, because it meant many of the more adult things she may have been exposed to over the years went right over her head. For the most part she has remained a sweet and innocent girl. This does a mom's heart well.

However, since she started middle school last September I have been feeling increasingly concerned that she was still a little too innocent. I began to worry that the other kids could easily fill her head with wrong information, because they think they know stuff, and she would believe it.

I had a conversation with my friend Jessica, whose son is the same age, and who has known my daughter since she was 3. I wondered if Cami knew what sex was (because she hadn't asked me). Jessica replied that she thought she probably did, just because of kids at school.

Well that kind of freaked me out. I mean, I know about, and signed the permission slip for, the puberty videos and talks in 4th and 5th grade. I'm all for those because everyone needs to know about their bodies. I remember being grateful for them when I was a kid because it meant I could have a few less awkward talks with my parents!

So I knew Cami knew about puberty. But did she know anything about sex?

She turned 5 when I was pregnant with her little brother. I thought for sure she'd think to ask, "Mommy, how are babies made?" But she didn't, and I didn't offer the information. She did ask how the baby "gets out". When I started to tell her the truth, she was completely grossed out, so I ended up saying, "I will go to the hospital and my doctor will help me get the baby out."

Now here we are, Camryn is 12 and heading into 7th grade. I had decided after my little chat with Jessica that I just needed to talk to her, find out what she knows, and fill in any blanks. The perfect opportunity arose this past Saturday. It was just the two of us in the house; her reading on the couch.

We had The Talk. Turned out she didn't really know anything, except that boys have sperm and girls have eggs, but she didn't know how they got together. She had no idea about intercourse, and when I told her, she said, "Eeww!" I said I understood the eeww factor, but everyone eventually feels differently about it.

I told her that when a girl gets her period it means she's able to have babies, and that sex is how babies are made. I also told her about birth control, and threw in a little about being in love, that some people choose to wait until marriage and that you should be MUCH OLDER than she is now. She nodded her head vigorously.

I told Cami I hope she knows she can talk to me about anything, but that if she ever feels just too weird about it, that my best girlfriends would be there for her too. In closing I asked if she had any questions and she shook her head. I know she's the kind of person who needs new information to sink in before she's ready to talk about it. Thankfully, "Call Me Maybe" came on right at that moment, so I turned it up, told her I loved her, and left it at that.

Then I walked into the kitchen and took one helluva deep breath.

Hanging out at yeahwrite!

July 10, 2012

Did You Know? Blogger Comments and Replies

tips badge

Houston, we have a problem.

Did you know that even though Blogger added the ability to reply to readers' comments (comment thread) that the commenter you're replying to may not know you did?


I recently discovered this little paradox when I checked to make sure I'm not a no-reply blogger. I am all set up to display my email address when I comment, yet I do not receive notification that a reply has been made on one of my comments using the Blogger comment thread.

Which means.... those who comment on MY posts are not being notified when I reply to them.


ALL bloggers love getting comments, and we all know that REPLYING to them is good networking etiquette, not to mention good manners.

Because no one likes to say something only to hear crickets.

Here's the thing: if you're on the Blogger platform using Blogger's comment thread, your readers will only know that you've replied to their comment if....

  • They come back to the post and see it, or
  • You reply to them via email, instead of on the post.

Furthermore, it would seem that replying to comments via the comment thread is really only beneficial for adding something more to the post. Like, say, if someone asked a question in their comment and you anticipate others may wonder the same thing, hence you answer it under the comment for everyone to see.

So I uninstalled Disqus when Blogger gave us the comment thread months ago, and have been assuming the replies I leave are being sent to the reader. ALL. THIS. TIME.

And speaking of those who ARE no-reply, that makes it even harder to let you know I saw, read and appreciated your comment, because neither can I respond to the comment email I get, nor can I rely on the comment thread to let you know.

Which means.... I have to let it go or try to hunt you down on Twitter or something. Because what if you said something really great that totally deserves a response?? And what if when you don't get anything back you think I'm some kind of snob?

I am so NOT a snob!

So, if you leave comments on Blogger blogs with your Blogger profile, please go check to see if you have your email address set to be displayed. HERE is where I found out how to check. It's super easy.

Do you have a bit of info, or maybe something a little cheeky, to share?
Grab the button and link up to the blog hop here and motherhood: Truth!
(Open for 48 hours, so get on it!)

July 6, 2012

TGIF: Wine Tasting & Guest Posting

No, wine tasting and guest posting normally have nothing to do with each other. But today, they do....

....because....I am happy about these two things today.

My friend Carin is a sales consultant for Wine Shop at Home. And our friend Jessica is hosting a wine tasting party tonight. Carin's Weier Wine Shop brings wine tasting TO YOUR HOME!  You don't have to dress up to go to a fancy winery, which is so nice for a casual gal like me. I'm really looking forward to trying the wine too, because I've heard nothing but good things about it. This is going to be an awesome GNO!

So ummm, if you notice some drunk tweets from me later on tonight, it's the wine talking.

The other thing I'm happy about today is a guest post I've written for Brandy at Momwich.
It's called Complicated Cool and it should be up RIGHT NOW! It's about how my family may be somewhat different from other families, but we're still a family just like yours. I hope you will go read it and say hi to me over there.

But first, share some happy with me by linking up below! 

PS: Danielle and I will be hosting a belated Did You Know? blog hop next Tuesday the 10th. We hope you'll want to share something interesting and link up!

July 3, 2012

Half-Assed Housework

I think I'm really going to need that top to bottom housecleaning I said I wanted.

Because I have decided that this summer, I'm totally half-assing it.

I mean seriously, with the kids home 24/7, the house doesn't stay clean for more than five minutes anyway.

And that may be a generous estimate.

There's a well-known quote that goes....


That is 100% true!

I mean, I'm not planning to live in filth. I'm just saying, why take on any uphill battle that I don't have to?

There are things I cannot take a vacation from. Stressing about housework IS something I think I can take a break from.

I will keep up with the basics and the kids don't get off scot-free. 

I know! I'll do housework when Mark is at work. That's fair, right?

So if you come over and my house isn't spic 'n span, it's not that I'm a terrible homemaker. It's simply that I've decided not to care. For just the next two months*.

In July and August, while my kids are home and the sun is shining, I am NOT going to make cleaning a priority!

Is that wrong?

Ask me if I care.

Instead of fretting over a clean house, I will do things like read a book, go for walks, learn to crochet a hat, ride the bus somewhere and maybe take a few naps.

I will invite my friends and their kids over for play dates and I will go to their houses to cool off in their pool or have a glass of wine.

We will take mini road trips with my dad, getting to know our surroundings better.

We will go to the freaking beach because if we don't, my son might kill me in my sleep! (Yes, there are beaches in Washington. I've heard. Somewhere. Dad?)

We will garden and grill. We will make smoothies and eat our weight in watermelon and corn on the cob. I will take lots of pictures.

I am going to enjoy this summer.

Because after having two hellacious crises in two years, I, and we, deserve it.

UPDATE: I have decided on a hashtag for this little endeavor. It is #SummerSlackers! So who's with me??

*I honestly don't know if I'll mentally be able to do this.

read to be read at yeahwrite.me