Apparently there's been this Review Extravaganza thing going on for THREE years but I'm just finding out about it now. In the fourth year.
Lots of us bloggers like to take a look back over the year. It's one of the best things about blogging, having a record RIGHT HERE of your life.
So! The way the Review Extravaganza works is by focusing on three months of the year at a time over the four weeks of December.
The very first thing I got to do in 2013 was write a guest post for Shell's "Things They Can't Say" series. It was about judging poverty and the the assumptions people make. I was pretty proud of it.
Our year started off right with a visit from Mark's mom and niece. It was so nice to spend time with family that had nothing to do with a hospital stay. The kids loved hanging with their big cousin!
I decided to share how I finally kicked my own butt into getting back into shape and be healthier. I really think it's something you can only do for yourself.
So I was all GO ME with the exercise stuff, but also struggling with some confusing feelings because I felt like people were handling me with kid gloves.
My little boy turned SEVEN and I told you about his birth story, which I had never done before.
And then after much himming and hawing, I chose a word for 2013: Hope. Did you choose a word for the year?
I dealt with some lingering anger over my husband's hospital stay in 2012, didn't make much sense and had to write a post script because I had a light bulb moment.
I hosted a little Valentine's Day link-up, told you what it's like to be visually impaired, suggested maybe I'm not really all that worthy of admiration and made a list of things I have buyer's remorse over.
Oh boy, March was a big revelations month when a lot of the things I had been talking about with my therapist started to really click.
On the first, I put my foot down, insisting that the day meant nothing. The day being the anniversary of Mark's arrhythmia.
I went on to list 10 reasons I have to be proud of myself, while also ruminating on feeling both strong and fragile at the same time.
I then asserted that this is MY path, wrote a letter to my annoying inner child and outlined all the reasons I am MORE than any one thing.
It was all kind of heavy!
On the lighter side of life, I listed 10 reasons why procrastination isn't the worst thing in the world and 11 awesome things about my husband.
AND, I wrote a guest post for The Robot Mommy that I like SO MUCH and sorta wish I had written for myself!
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