October 15, 2014

An Interview with a 14 Year Old

Last year I started a new tradition of having my kids answer the same 20 questions each year in order to watch how they change. I was inspired by Katie at Your Girls and Boys.

My daughter Camryn is 14 years old now and a freshman in high school.

1. My favorite food is: Pocky

2. The best show on TV is: Fairy Tail

3. The coolest person on earth is: Ariana Grande

4. My favorite class in school is: Art

5. The class I like the least is: Math

6. The thing I do best is: Draw

7. If I could go anywhere in the world, I'd go to: Japan

8. My favorite color is: Red

9. When I grow up, I think I might like to be a: Nurse

10. My current favorite song is: Megitsune By BabyMetal

11. Three words that describe me are: Pretty, Cool, Awesome

12. My favorite season is: Summer

13. The snack I like the best is: Granola Bar

14. My best friend is: Abigail

15. My current favorite book is: Dead Is Not An Option

16. If I had one wish, it would be: To live for an eternity

17. My best memory is: The first day of 9th grade

18. My current favorite movie is: Fairy Tail: Phoenix Priestess

19. One food that I really dislike is: Sushi

20. My favorite thing to do is: Hang out with friends and be in my room

A lot changed in one year! Only three answers were the same.

Over the summer she got very interested in anime and drawing, which is where the answers to 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 10 and 18 come from.

Camryn drew this anime character with help from a YouTube instruction video.
We were totally blown away!
Her first day of high school was apparently a great day for her which makes me happy.

And yeah, being with a friend or just alone in her room is so Camryn right now. For a long time I wondered if she would ever be the kind of kid to hide in her room because it seemed that she didn't like being alone. Boy, was I wrong!

Having a teenage girl isn't all sunshine and roses, but one of the best things about raising kids is watching them grow and change and develop into cool people.

Do you take notice of the changes in your kid(s) from year to year?
Are you ever surprised?
(Probably a dumb question!)

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