February 27, 2012

OMG it's been almost 20 freaking years since I graduated high school!!

I will turn 38 in April. My 20 year high school reunion is being held this summer.

Lo and behold, Rachel at Totally Ovar It asked us to "list the top ten pros/cons of attending your class reunion" for this week's Listicle.

This is a good example of zen blogging. Just sayin'.

Why does it feel so heavy? Seriously, thinking about TWENTY whole years since I was a kid feels heavy. Like, ooph, LIFE.

Not that I'm not happy living life. I love life, my life. It's all good. It's just, that's a pretty long time. And I guess I'm just really feeling that passage of time right now.

OK, so. I did not attend my 10 year high school reunion, and honestly, I highly doubt I will be attending my 20th either. Mostly because I no longer live in or near Lake Tahoe, where I went to high school. But there are other reasons as well.

9 reasons I'm not hip on attending my high school reunions, or CONS of attending them are:

1. The 10 year reunion was held over Labor Day Weekend. Holiday weekends in Lake Tahoe are insanely busy.

2. At the time of the 10 year reunion in 2002, I had a 2 year old and Mark's transplant had failed in February. It wasn't a great year.

3. We still lived in the Bay Area in '02, just 4 hours from Tahoe, so getting there wouldn't have been hard, and my mom lives there so I have a place to stay, but the reunion itself was going to be pricey.

4. My BFF from high school, J.Ho, didn't want to go either.

5. I still don't feel like going to the 20 year reunion.

6. I don't think J.Ho does either.

7. I now live in Washington state, so travel will involve flying, which is very expensive.

8. I just visited Lake Tahoe last summer.

9. Those I liked from high school are on my Facebook anyway.

The one PRO I can think of:

10. Dancing to '80s and '90s music all night! But then again, the Rock of Ages movie is coming out this summer too.


  1. Isn't Facebook great? It's like an ongoing reunion and you can de-friend the people you don't want to know anymore without really having to tell them you did. (-:

    1. Yes, unfriending works great for people you used to know in high school. But for people you don't want to know anymore NOW? That another story!

  2. I don't know why reunions always seem to come at the worst time possible. I haven't attended one either, but am thinking about going to the one in April. Louisiana is a haul from Virginia -- we'll see.

    1. A reunion in April, hu? I could justify that for my birthday if I wanted to.

  3. Oh yeah, the music would be the best part for me too! And yeah, everybody I like is already on FB so there's that. Also? Reunions are waaaay overrated.

    1. I would actually like a few more high school friends on FB (did have them), but they were never on, so I gave up and unfriended them. Hmm...maybe I should rethink that.

  4. I am with you! Facebook is a great reminder on why high school is best left in the past. I have one friend form high school on my FB and I liked her then so there is a reason I still like her now.

    1. I know there's something to be said for seeing people in person, but unless you want to have a real relationship with them, why?

  5. Its 13 years since I graduated. I don't remember ever even getting an invite to our 10 year reunion.

    1. I thinkt he only reason I knew about my 10 year was cuz of Classmates.com. Now, I know about the 20th thru Facebook.

  6. Got to agree with Stasha. Facebook is like the best reunion ever. With one swift finger on the unfriend button- bye bye to anyone not worth knowing!

    1. It's true. I wonder if the widespread use of Facebook has put a big crimp in reunions in general?

  7. I didn't go to mine. I went to the FREE gathering organized by some people the day before. 26 weeks pregnant :). It was awesome!!

    1. Do I hear sarcasm in that statement? I think it would probably be impossible for me to go to something like that without the ability to drink!

  8. I gladly skipped my 10 year reunion. The only people I want to see are my friends, who I keep in touch with regularly. I had no desire to have everyone compare their life to mine and try to determine whose is better, which is all reunions are. A giant judge fest.

  9. Heavy huh? Why is it when you get those reunion notifications it's like, Whao has it really been??? And I've got almost a decade on you!

    1. I must say I am happy that older people than I are blogging. For awhile I felt like a grandma compared to the young mommy bloggers I was meeting!

  10. Yeah, totally - 'eh'. Who would I want to see. Well you and.... Well. I just saw you last summer, that that is does not bare (bear?) repeating, but yeah saving for our 40th b-day - or at least I like to think so. But yeah... Disneyland, Joe's 20th reunion - maybe and so much other STUFF. I'm just getting to actually enjoying going up there again, why ruin it?

    1. I know you had a sour taste for awhile. Glad you're enjoying it again tho. We will have our own reunion!

  11. That money part was almost a deal-breaker. Lucky it was only a few minutes away. Don't go. You don't want to end up passing out in the bathroom in a pool of red vomit.


  12. Just catch up with them on facebook, its cheaper than flying and pretty much the same!

  13. Any excuse to dancing to 80's music is worth the cost.

    1. Well, I can also dance to 80s music in the comfort of my own home...

  14. Hi Just Jennifer ... I saw your blog name and had to stop b/c I tried to call my blog Just Jenn =) I think it was taken? =) anyway... I'm 41... I went to my high school reunion out of pressure from a couple "old friends" that I wasn't really in touch with all that much anyway... I hated every immature minute of it! lol... but it was fun to hear the 80's music! I would have rather had breakfast/coffee with those I wanted to see and left the drama night to itself... =) but maybe that was just my high school... he he he

    1. I think you can CALL your blog whatever you want, but you can't register an URL if it's taken. Hence, my URL is justjenniferblog.com cuz justjennifer.com was taken.

      Yeah, I'm not hearing anything good about going to reunions.

  15. I didn't go to my 10 year reunion either. I just had no interest in going. I was one of those girls in high school who didn't give a shit if you liked me or not. I couldn't stand those kids who were teenagers. Our graduating class was like 115 so everyone knew everyone. I had always sworn that I'd get out of that small little community and never look back. I sort of did that, I really enjoy going back home and visiting my parents, brothers, nieces and nephews. Ohh, and my BFF didn't want to go either. :)

  16. See how young you are? My 35th is this year! There will be nothing but old people there. And me. Old people and me as if I'm not in that category.
