July 20, 2010

Ten Years

I just realized that I haven't blogged about Camryn's 10th birthday and I simply must...for posterity of course!

My beautiful baby girl is 10 year old now and it's really taking a lot of getting used to.  She is growing up, is now over halfway through her childhood!  Wow.

We gave her an awesome birthday weekend with a slumber party on the 10th and new ear piercing from Grampa Randy on the 11th, as well as Red Robin for dinner that night.  She was also showered with various gifts from other family.

We got her a new bike!
And it's already gotten a flat (but Grampa fixed it)!

Cami is still pretty much her same ole self...turning 10 hasn't changed her overnight.  BUT, she did get up a couple days later and cook scrambled eggs for herself and AJ by herself.  What??

So summer is plugging along nicely.  We're mostly just hanging out, with events thrown in here and there.  I went to TWO parties this past Saturday, Reina's Bridal Shower and Scott Shaw's bday party.  That's pretty much unheard of for me!  Our 12th wedding anniversary was Sunday which makes me very happy, but it wasn't a super special day.  Kinda sorta sucked cuz Mark hurt his shoulder early on Saturday and it was still pretty painful on Sunday.  But, Mark did grill us some steaks and we saw our Weier friends for awhile.  I watched the Weier boys yesterday so John could work before they head to Alaska.

Next, Cami is taking a 2-day trip up to Birch Bay in Blaine, WA with her Girl Scout troop.  The following weekend we will have our housewarming party and the next day Cami will go to Girl Scout summer camp for 6 days.

Not sure what August will hold besides back-to-school shopping and a couple doctors appointments for the kids before they do go back to school.  Maybe my mom and Doug will come visit.  Oh and maybe Mark will give nocturnal dialysis a try....

I'm not sure why, but I can't seem to spend much time on my hobbies.  With the kids home all day it just seems like I'm constantly distracted by them.  That, and they stay up later, partially cuz they can and partially cuz we always lose track of the time in the evenings.  It took us a week to sit down and watch the movie "2012" cuz we had to think of it before it got too late cuz it's 2 1/2 hours long!

Speaking of time: "Time is the most undefinable yet paradoxical of things; the past is gone, the future is not come, and the present becomes the past even while we attempt to define it, and, like the flash of lightning, at once exists and expires." ~Charles Caleb Colton

July 7, 2010

Summer has arrived!

Summer has arrived in Western Washington with full force!  And it arrived right on meteorological schedule.  Meaning, it warmed up exactly when they said it would warm up!

We had a good 4th of July over at the Morehead's (was it really too much to ask for the warm weather to arrive just a few days sooner, tho?).  Now on to Camryn's 10th birthday!  She is having a few girlfriends over for a slumber party this Saturday.  Not sure about what Sunday will hold (her actual birthday).  Mark and I want to get her a new bike.  She found one she really liked at Walmart.  She also says she's ready to re-pierce her ears.  We will have to see if we have any money for that tho.  Might just have to post-pone it a little bit.

I can't believe my baby girl is turning 10!  TEN!  Holy big kid, Batman!  Double digits!  She's a 'tween!  Going into 5th grade, and then.....OMG....middle school is right around the corner!  What am I gonna do??  I find myself checking out her chest every day wanting to make sure I don't miss the first signs of puberty.  I started getting my little boobies at 11, my period at 13.  My mom was 15 when she got her period, I was 2 years earlier than her, so what if Cami is earlier than me?  Who knew I'd start staring at my daughter's body waiting for it to "blossom"?  Geez.

We got her room all done finally.  It has been in limbo since we moved in, try to figure out what we were doing with another wall, organizing and then the pies de resistance, a beautiful new wall hanging from her Aunt Jen to help pull it all together!  I really love having so many creatively gifted women in my life!  And that they love my children....such a blessing.

We have decided to have a housewarming party this month on the 31st, thanks to some prodding from my mother  I'm both excited and nervous.  I'm a nervous party planner.  Have been ever since my old high school BFF Lisa's 16th when I helped her mom plan her a beach party and it totally flopped.  But I know all you really need for a good party is some good munchies and some good people.  And it's summertime and people love parties in the summer!

OK so, Cami's birthday this weekend, hoping to get a pedicure with Jessica and Carin on Monday, going to Carmena's purse party on Tuesday, Cami's check-up Wednesday, my cousin Reina's bridal shower is next Saturday, some friends are also having a party that day, our wedding anniversary is next Sunday, Cami has a Girl Scout trip the following weekend, we'll have our housewarming on the 31st and Cami will leave for summer camp on the 1st.  Definitely not bored!

"Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it." ~Russel Baker