October 18, 2013

The (Big?) Reveal!

Not sure how big of a reveal my new blog name is since MOST OF YOU GUESSED IT ALREADY!

What am I going to do with you people?

I really am transparent, hu?

That's right, you can see it right up there. The blog formally known as just JENNIFER will from henceforth be called Dancing in the Rain!

The URL is now ImDancingintheRain.com. Please make a note, re-bookmark it, do whatever you gotta do to get your sweet self back here.

Pretty please?

Everything else I am in the process of updating.....all my social media accounts and whatnot. Just one teeny-weeny thing I need you guys to do in that regard.

As I suspected, I had to set up a new Facebook page so I need you to go throw your LIKES on it. Besides Twitter, my blog Facebook page is where I have the most fun with everyone. I really love posting things and interacting with you guys there. Don't leave me lonely, K?

The "just JENNIFER" FB page will likely remain open through the end of the year to hopefully give a nice long time for everyone to get the hook-up to the new page. That doesn't mean you should dawdle, now. All the good stuff will be over at my "Dancing in the Rain" page!

I love my precious' new name and I hope you do too!

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