Old School Blogging, that is.
The ABCs of Me
A. Attached or single? Very attached. Married 15 years next month!
B. Best friend? My very best friend is my husband. He's my PERSON (Grey's Anatomy reference). But I also have my BFF from high school, J.Ho. My relationship with her is long distance, so I also have a couple local besties.
C. Cake or pie? PIE all the way! Especially caramel apple pie a la mode.
D. Day of choice? Of the week? I know this is contrary to how most people feel, but I like Mondays because I feel like they're a reboot day. Start of a fresh, new week.
E. Essential item? My glasses. Because I'm a blind girl. Getting new ones soon!
F. Favorite color? Blue.
G. Gummy bears or worms? Ew, neither. Red Vines!
H. Hometown? Everett, WA
I. Favorite indulgence? Starbucks
J. January or July? That's funny, those are the months my children were born in, so I shall say BOTH!
K. Kids? A girl and a boy.
L. Life isn't complete without? Laughter.
M. Marriage date? July 18, 1998
N. Number of brothers/sisters? None. Husband has one sister (and a step-sister).
O. Oranges or apples? I'll say apples because there is so much you can do with them. But I hate apple juice.
P. Phobias? Creepy crawly things.
Q. Quotes? Seriously? I LOVE quotes!
R. Reasons to smile? My kids and husband, my cat, flowers, clouds, getting a text from a friend, when my dad stops by with muffins, blogging and reading blogs, Twitter, good wine, making things with yarn....
S. Season of choice? Officially I have to say spring. I realized this year just how energizing and full of hope it is. But I also love autumn.
T. Tag 5 people. Sarcasm Goddess, Leslie, Audrey, Danielle and Amy.
U. Unknown fact about me? When I was a kid I thought bands went to the radio station to play their songs. I didn't know the songs were on records. I don't know why I didn't get this, since my father had a zillion records.
V. Vegetable? Carrots, snow peas, red peppers.
W. Worst habit? Night time snacking
X. X-ray or Ultrasound? Depends on the situation...?
Y. Your favorite food? Burritos! Or anything with caramel.
Z. Zodiac sign? My sun sign is Aries, according to my birth date. However, I believe that is actually the least of my astrological influences. My moon sign is Aquarius and my rising sign is Pisces. I think they have more sway over who I really am. But I'm no expert!

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