1. Do you wish you could have just one more baby?
Sure, I wish I could....but I'm totally OK with not. I feel extremely blessed to have been able to have the two I have, considering my husband's health. Diabetics often have a hard time with fertility. When we decided to try for our first, Mark was doing well with his transplant, and it took us only 2 months to conceive. But the second time we tried, Mark no longer had his transplant and it took 6 months. Not a huge difference, but still noticeable. The kicker is that I had Gestational Diabetes in both pregnancies. Seriously? So ironic.
I always wanted more than one child. I got two. Would have loved to have three, but honestly, that ship has sailed. Mark's health declines a little more each year, and I'm on the down slope towards 40. If circumstances had been different, maybe we'd have three....
2. Are you excited for the day your kids are old enough to drive you around?
...or scared?
Both? Of course I've thought, "hey, my kids can drive me around someday!", but it's not like I'm waiting with bated breath for the day to arrive. I don't really know if I'll want them to drive the moment they turn 16, and I honestly have no idea where they're gonna get cars. Guess they better plan to get jobs too!
And I'm always scared in cars. I have no control! So I bet I won't be any more scared with them than I am with anyone else. At least with my kids, I can justify yelling at them!
3. Will you want your kids to live with you after they turn 18?
I don't know if want is the right word, but I have a feeling I wouldn't mind it. I don't think I will be one to be anxiously awaiting the day my kids get the hell out of my house!
Pretty much, I don't want them to move out until they're ready. I want to feel, and for them to feel, that they can take care of themselves, that they have the skills and resources to do so. Now that's not to say I want any "failure to launch" issues! I just think I am their mom and with me is their first and forever home. I want them to know they always have a soft place to land, without taking advantage of it. Hopefully I can pull that off!
I am currently anticipating the next chapter of motherhood: having both kids gone to school 6 hours a day, 5 days a week (well, give or take holidays and teacher days). Next September my baby boy will start first grade! That will be more emotional for me than preschool or kindergarten ever were. Those were more like Awww moments. This is HUGE. I am no longer the mom of little kids. They're big kids now! And with that comes all sorts of new and different joys and challenges.
Camryn is a pre-teen, for crying out loud! She turns 12 this summer. I've purchased her first little bras! How does this happen?? The passage of time astonishes and bewilders me. I still think about her little toddler self all the time, the way she said "flow-wow" for flower and "ga-gog" for hot dog.
I just love

Jennifer, this was such a sweet post and I can relate to your sentiment of how the passage of time astonishes you. My little man is also headed to first grade in September. He's not my youngest - he's the middle child - but he's the only boy. There is a great big Awww moment going on here too!
ReplyDeleteWatching my sun at the playground this weekend nearly brought me to tears!
DeleteLove your quote, that's a great one! Also fun to learn more about you through these blogoversary posts. Thanks for linking up again this week!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you like it, and thanks for hosting the linky!
DeleteI swear, some days I want my kids to be all grown up and gone and then 5 minutes later I'm crying because I never want them to leave me...
ReplyDeleteThe conflicting emotions in motherhood are dizzying!
DeleteBeautiful quote.
ReplyDeleteand it is hard to remember as a parent that you are raising them To Go. To Leave You.
I wonder how easy letting go will be when the time comes....
*sticking fingers in ears* lalalalalalala!
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Deletehttp://t.co/01k4Wu4w Chi-Lites http://shar.es/qzMXa http://shar.es/qi7eM "iNHERiT http://shar.es/qibI4 THE http://shar.es/qifU1 http://shar.es/qigUC WiND" http://t.co/01k4Wu4w http://shar.es/qz5jR "0BAMA http://t.co/61mc8RhH http://bit.ly/M2TFwI iN http://shar.es/qzulE http://t.co/xevuHQYy 2o12" http://shar.es/qz5jR http://mrjimvinnbur.blogspot.com/ ...THEY D0 ABS0LUTELY N0THiNG http://shar.es/qiaI2 DELUSi0NAL http://shar.es/qzCvl ANGRY SELFiSH http://shar.es/qzt0K http://shar.es/qzMXa LYiNG http://shar.es/qzCvl http://shar.es/qzsT3 STiNGY http://shar.es/qi7eM C0RRUPT http://shar.es/qztz6 GREEDY http://shar.es/qz7IM CROOKED http://shar.es/qztz6 http://shar.es/qcyGh C0MMUNiST http://shar.es/qztvQ REPUBLiCANS http://shar.es/qiaI2 ALL HAVE COMMiTTED P0LiTiCAL SUiCiDE4 2o12 - THE UNRE-ELECTABLE BiGTiME LAZY WHiNiNGASS CRYBABY PATHETiC LOSER DEMON J0HN B0EHNER http://t.co/srGUvysY DAMN RiTE LUGAR iS DEFiNiTELY OUT http://shar.es/qzLiJ & YOU'RE NEXT & THE UNM0TiVATED UNRE-ELECTABLE WELL KN0WN SUPER DASTARDLY WEAKMiNDED S0RRYASS QUiTTER & LOSER DEMON ERiC CANT0R http://t.co/srGUvysY DAMN RiTE LUGAR iS DEFiNiTELY OUT http://shar.es/qzLiJ & YOU'RE NEXT & THE 0LD DUMBASS & LOSER DEMON iTS DEFiNiTELY TiME 2RETiRE http://t.co/xFHkJk2e MiTCH http://shar.es/qi1LY McC0NNELL http://t.co/srGUvysY DAMN RiTE LUGAR iS DEFiNiTELY OUT http://shar.es/qzLiJ & YOU'RE NEXT "iNHERiT http://goo.gl/Oi4S8 THE http://t.co/ImmDUFcc WiND" YOU ARE MOST DEFiNiTELY G0iNG 2B0W D0WN ...BELiEVE... Y0UR 0BSTRUCTiONiSM & D0 ABS0LUTELY N0THiNG FiNAL DAYS ARE MOST DEFiNiTELY NUMBERED - iT iS PERMANENTLY ENGRAVED iN ST0NE - DAMN RiTE http://t.co/01k4Wu4w PRESiDENT OBAMA http://t.co/lIs1mACd A MAN 0F ALL THE PE0PLE iN 2o12 http://t.co/ImmDUFcc ...FORWARD ...Give Moe Powwa 2Da People
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