April 13, 2012

TGIF: Turn Back Time Edition

I am excited and nervous and...


First, welcome to the 30th:

OK, now that that's out of the way...

I am so excited and nervous and HAPPY that today I am being featured over at Chosen Chaos for Jamie's "If I Could Turn Back Time" series!

If I could turn back time. If I could find a way. I'd take back all the things.....

Oh. Sorry. Channeling a little Cher right there.

What is my post at Chosen Chaos about? It's a letter to my 18 year old self. Cool, right? I got to tell my younger self about the first 20 years of our adulthood, knowing what I know now.

Speaking of now, it's been literally exactly 20 years since I was 18, as it is my 38th birthday on Monday!

It's been interesting. Seriously. And I'm more than certain there is still plenty of interesting to come.

You're curious what I had to say, right? Then GO!

Go read my post at Chosen Chaos!

Then, if you have some HAPPY to share, write it (or comment), grab my button and link it up below! (Linky open all weekend.)


  1. Happy birthday Jennifer. That is one powerful peace. Congrats on being featured.

  2. "Don’t bother watch­ing a TV show called Lost."

    If you could just get one message back to yourself! This one might change everything!

    Happy Birthday,
    Your Dad

  3. Left you a comment over at Jamie's but wanted to wish you a very happy birthday weekend as well! Loved your post!

  4. Oh how I would love to tell my 18 yr old self a few things!

  5. Happy 30th TGIF!!! And Happy Birthday!!! Loved reading your turn back time post!
