April 11, 2012


Some Wordless/Wordful Wednesday Link-ups


  1. The flower petals, along with other ingredients, are used to make dandelion wine. The ground, roasted roots can be used as a caffeine-free dandelion coffee. Dandelion was also traditionally used to make the traditional British soft drink dandelion and burdock, and is one of the ingredients of root beer.
    Dandelion leaves contain abundant vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins A, C and K, and are good sources of calcium, potassium, iron and manganese.

    (so why do I hate them in my lawn?) LOL

    1. My mom hates this story (says I did it on purpose), but she sent me out to weed the garden when I was but a wee lad (9). I asked her how I tell the difference of what i should remove and what I should leave alone and she gave me the heavy mom sigh. "If it has a flower, leave it alone, if it doesan't have a flower, yank it."

      When she came out to check on me, I had ripped out her roses and other plants (that were not blooming yet, and I had made the neatest little circles of dandelions you've ever seen in a flower bed (beaming with pride, let me tell you).


  2. Just looks like the beginning of Summer!

  3. I, of course, think they look beautiful in their sunny yellow costume. my hubby considers them a mortal enemy. LOL
    But I stand by it....the lawn looks oh so pretty.

  4. Looks so bright and sunny. I've always been partial to yellow blooms. Dandelion or not.

  5. What a beautiful photo - especially in contrast to your pretty blue blog! Thanks for sharing, and thanks for joining us at Create With Joy this week! :-)

  6. oh my god that dandelion is ENORMOUS!

  7. Jennifer, that is lovely. I never quite looked at a dandelion as lovely, but you've captured it. Awesome!

    1. I'm glad, cuz I don't think they deserve all the hate.

  8. How'd I miss this yesterday? That yellow is breathtaking.

    Sorry, first time blog hopper. Following your blog, I gotta see what else you shoot :)

    1. I don't shoot a whole lot. Don't even have a super nice camera. I honestly just get lucky sometimes, and when I do, I gotta share!

  9. Looking at these two pictures just put the biggest smile on my face. I hope that you were able to find happiness in them as well. They are beautiful!

  10. How did you make something everyone hates so beautiful?
