Ohmigosh it's already August!
I really feel like July just whizzed by.
Could be why I kind of sucked at hitting all the Photo-a-Day prompts.
Never mind, I still had some wildly popular photos!
("Wildly popular" is subjective. Ahem.)
Instagram Hearts: July
Pretty sunrise on the way to dialysis with the husband.
This is a glass of iced tea.
For the Photo-a-Day prompt "on the table".
It got the MOST hearts!
Took this for the Photo-a-Day prompts "view"
while out for a walk.
Also shared this picture UPSIDE DOWN in another post.
This is my beautiful daughter on her 14th birthday.
I swear she takes a great picture every year.

I was kind of surprised by all the hearts this one got,
although maybe I shouldn't be, considering it's my and
my husband's hands on our wedding anniversary.
This is my sweet, big boy, Julius.
Took it for the Photo-a-Day prompt "moment".
I fear my #FMSphotoaday taking days may be winding down.
I find that ticking off the list of prompts just isn't holding my interest like it used to.
I mean, I've done it for like two years.
(Not saying one bad thing about Fat Mum Slim's Photo-a-Day. I've loved it,
and highly recommend if you're seeking some photo inspiration and community!)
Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed this month's installment of
"Tooting My Own Photo-Taking Horn".
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