May 9, 2014

10 Reasons I'm Grateful for my Kids

Sunday is Mother's Day here in this part of the world.

It's a day when my children will act like sweet, cherubic little darlings, wait on me hand and foot, snuggle on demand and then leave me alone afterwards. I won't have to cook or clean or fold one piece of laundry, nor hunt down a lost shoe...

beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep!

Wha?? blink, blink. Oh. I was dreaming. Dang.

Pretty sure in the 13 years I've been a mom, Mother's Day has never been quite that idyllic.

I waffle every year between feeling like I should spend the day with the two beings who call me MOM and thinking everyone should just go away and leave me alone.

Thus are the constant conflicting emotions flowing through a mother's heart.

Being a mom is a HUGE part of my identity. It is the one thing I've ALWAYS known I wanted in my life, and I've been blessed with two beautiful, healthy children.

Camryn and AJ are my babies. And no matter whatever else they make me feel in any given moment, I am so very grateful for them.

Here's why....

1. They are my dream come true and hope for the future.

2. They make me laugh.

3. They keep me focused on the things that really matter. When I hone in on their needs -- what's best for them -- I know I'm doing something right.

4. Random hugs and kisses.

5. They are so often the bright light at the end of a dark tunnel.

6. They give me an excuse to act silly.

7. They snuggle with me.

8. The little athlete AJ is and the loyal friend Camryn is.

9. The way they will jump to help their dad.

10. How much they love their extended family.

I am thankful every day that I get to be their mom. Well, most every day.

I don't love their squabbles or whines. I don't love when they aren't listening to me. And I really don't love when they make me worry.

But these two young humans? They are awesome. I love watching them learn and reach milestones. They fill me with pride and unconditional love. I am fascinated by them.

So this Mother's Day, as they are trying their hardest to be sweet to me and show me some extra love as I know they will, I will be celebrating them, the reasons I am a mother at all.

Ten Things of Thankful

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