January 30, 2014

The View From Here: Connections

The View for this final week of January is of a more spiritual nature,
and comes to you from Mary Hill who writes two blogs.

I would like to just let her words speak for themselves.


I sit in my Southern home watching my cat clean himself, and then he stretches out.  He had just given me attention full of purrs and love. Now in the back room, my daughter practices on her keyboard and my hubby is getting ready for bed.

My life seems so mundane at times, but it is full of connections.  I decided last week to participate in this Word of the Year challenge.  As a Christian though, I took it seriously.  I prayed for three weeks and meandered around words until I felt like God had given me the word “connection.”

It has to be from Him because I stink at connections. I am a writer and introvert. I shun people especially now that I am sick and overweight from years of steroid treatments for my arthritis. My thought, “He wants me to do what? Work on connections?” Did I mention, I probably I have an attention problem too?

My first challenge, my husband wants me to do something. I am busy and writing. My daughter is playing her tune over and over again. Connecting.

Don’t get me wrong. I want to connect, and I love these important people so much.  How am I going to connect outside my home to others? The only thing I do is blog.  What does He want me to “connect” about? A voice inside me answers: Him.

I am on a journey to connect, and it is just beginning.  First, I start in my home. I want to improve my connections with my family; then it will spread out to my church. My husband wants me to go on a women’s retreat. Our women’s church group will travel to Gatlinburg in March.

First things, first, my husband is looking for a truck. His 87 Ford Ranger is almost dead, and we can’t get a rebuilt carburetor to work in it. My daughter plays the piano. 

“How much do they want for that Mazda truck?”  he says.

My daughter practices, Come Thou Fount. I sing in my head: Come, thou Fount of every blessing, tune my heart to sing thy grace; streams of mercy, never ceasing, call for songs of loudest praise.”

I look at the time. 9:30.  Oh, man, she has to go to school tomorrow. “KR, bedtime.”

But first my husband wants to try the first session in a book Beacon Hill Press just sent me to review.  A Faith of their Own: An Experience Guide for Parents and Preteens by Chris Folmsbee.

We don’t know what we are doing, so we just read a little from a couple of the activities. It is okay though because in the end, she prays. “Dear God, please help my teacher who has cancer. Be with her this week during her treatments. Thank you God for your blessings.”

Faith building, connection building. We will start with God tonight.

Mary Hill began blogging just one year ago. She brings more than 25 years experience as a journalist and educator to the blogging world.  Now retired because of disability, her goal is to use blogging as vehicle to inspire and bring joy, peace, and abundance to others by writing about how Jesus is at work in her and her family's lives. She writes on her two blogs; Mary-andering Creatively and Mary-andering Among the Pages.

Sometimes it's best to get back to basics.

Leave Mary a comment and then check out her blogs!

**If you are interested in contributing YOUR View, please go HERE**

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