August 15, 2013

My kids didn't drive me crazy this summer!

It is the middle of August, 3 weeks until a new school year begins.

I have already shopped for supplies. Soccer practice, eighth grade orientation and 2nd grade back-to-school night are right around the corner.

The kids going back to school is on my mind because we need to prepare for it, but for the first time since Camryn was a kindergartner, I am not counting down the days. I am not antsy nor impatient this year. I am not irritably grumbling about how long summer break is or that my kids are driving me nuts.

I have enjoyed this summer.

It is such a relief to not dread school breaks. Rather, to be the mom of big kids and look forward to having them home with the freedom to do whatever we want.

I LOVE little ones. To pieces. I think they are so cute and funny and snuggle-able. I love the scent of a new baby and the way a one year old is just finding his or her footing. I love to watch as they start really taking in the world around them. I love their first words, when they learn to clap and when they fall asleep on me.

I often really miss those stages. If anyone has a baby they'd like to let me borrow, please, had it over!

I'm not kidding. Ahem.

Anyway, last summer I got so sick of feeding my kids. The summer before that we had some major behavioral issues going on.

Now though? I can't really put my finger on what's different. Because kids are always challenging no matter what age they are. Little ones are physically demanding while big kids are more mentally demanding. Maybe fewer physical demands make all the difference in the overall enjoyment of children?

Could be their ages, or my age. Could be the experiences I've had that have taught me to just breathe and live in the moment. Could be therapy. Maybe it's all of that combined.

For once I don't really care why. I'm just glad it is.

This has been a very nice summer. In fact, the thought of my kids -- or just Camryn, if I'm being honest -- going back to school is causing me some anxiety. But that's a whole other post.

Linked up with Mama Kat for the prompt: What were you blogging about last year at this time? What has changed?

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