LOVE the questions for April so Imma get right to it:
1. How did your husband pop the big question?
In a greeting card on my 23rd birthday. It was very sweet. I unknowingly kept him from proposing in front of a group of our friends and family at a dinner a week prior because I told him I needed him to save his gift so I would have something to open ON my birthday. He gave me the card and I read it. He wrote "P.S. Will you marry me?" at the bottom, and when I looked up, he was holding my ring out.
2. What are the three most surprising things about married life?
That you can come to love someone more over the years than you did on your wedding day.
That you and your spouse will NEVER agree on some things. But it's OK.
It's not at all the romantic fairy tale a girl hopes it will be, but it's wonderful in other ways.
3. How did you find out you were pregnant for the first time?
First clue was my boobs started to hurt. Then, my period was like 6 days late and we were invited to a Halloween party. Figured I'd better take a test before we went so I'd know if I could drink alcohol or not. Test was positive and I positively wasn't drinking at the party!
4. How did you choose your first baby's name?
My MIL had wanted to name my husband Cameron. But her mother pressured her to name him Mark because a family member named Mark had died. Hubs decided he liked Cameron and we agreed it could work for a boy or a girl. Our first was a girl, so we went with Camryn, Cami for short, which we started calling her before she was born. Her middle name of Rose my mom suggested, we thought it was pretty, so we went with it.
5. Describe where you see yourself in 10 years from now.
Almost 50 years old and trying to let myself stop coloring my hair and just let it be grey. What? I don't like these kinds of questions. I kind of think they're dumb. SO MUCH can change and happen to you over the course of 10 years, it's not even funny.
Fine. I HOPE I will still be living in my little house with Mark and our son (Camryn will be 22, so she may be outta here), in good health (both physical and mental), surrounded by friends, a pet or two, a nice little garden and.......? I'm sorry, I tried. I suck at this.
6. Describe how you find bliss, either with words or images.
Sitting in warm sun.
Listening to a great audiobook.
When I hear the words "I love you" from one of my children.

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