Alright, my resolutions include keeping up regular exercise, getting new glasses (for my eyes), checking the mail more than once a week and dusting every once in awhile.But what about the stuff I'm happy and content with and have no desire to change?
1. Drinking wine.
2. Staying up until at least 11:00.
3. Keeping my hair short.
4. Not having a laundry DAY.
5. Wearing comfortable clothing.
6. Blogging
Aw heck! I have too many things I'd like to tweak. I can't think of 10 things that I don't want to change in some way.
Here's the thing: I believe we're supposed to constantly be growing and changing, whether we make New Year's resolutions or not. Also, I have learned that shit happens and we really have no idea how we'll feel until it does....
Linked with Monday Listicles.
Well that is that. And I agree, growing and evolving is the key. As long as it doesn't mean giving up wine and coffee... How mail?