November 17, 2012

Yarn Your Yule

I knitted a bunch of these cute little tree ornaments last year.

(Although that is not a picture of one of mine. I am apparently a big moron and either didn't take, or didn't save, any pics of mine. Ahem.)

They are so quick and easy! They are also easy to mail, since they are small enough to fit into a holiday card envelope.

Here's the pattern (that I got from....somewhere??):

*I used size 7 needles and cotton, worsted weight yarn

Cast on 16 sts
Gst 3 rows
*K2tog, k to end, K2tog (14 sts)
Gst 2 rows*
Repeat from * to * until 8 sts remain
Inc 2 sts at each end of next row (12 sts)
Gst 2 rows
Repeat from * to * again until 6 sts remain
Inc 2 sts at each end of next row (10 sts)
Gst 2 rows
Repeat from * to * again until 4 sts remain
K2tog twice (2 sts)
Gst 2 rows
K2tog (1 st)
Bind off and cut leaving long thread (for loop to hang)

To Finish:

Darn in cast on thread length. sew length of thread at top of tree into a loop for hanging and decorate if you want! (glue and sequins, for example)

They were truly so easy and fun.

A couple other Christmas-y things I did with yarn last year was to crochet some garland for my banisters and a couple of little squares for candle jars to sit on. I would have done circles, but I had only just learned how to crochet.

These are just a few simple ideas for using yarn to help deck your halls. There are many, many others out there. I highly recommend Ravelry for TONS of knit and crochet inspiration, whatever your skill level.

Merry Yarning!

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