The background for this quote is a picture I took of our beautiful blue sky! |
We here in the Pacific Northwest are having the NICEST September I can remember in the nine years I've been living in Washington.
Seattle almost broke a record for most consecutive days without rain. We are now on the verge, according to a quick soundbite I heard yesterday morning, of setting a record for the least amount of measurable rainfall in August and September.
I kid you not, like clockwork, it usually rains on the first day of school, the day after Labor Day (or 2 days after Labor Day, but whatever). And thus begins our quick decent into Fall....
Not this year! My son wore SHORTS to his first day of school!
Except for ONE cloudy, drizzly day....
....the weather has been PERFECT. Cool, crisp nights and mornings with mild, breezy afternoons and evenings. And SO. MUCH. SUN.
Why Mother Nature is being so nice to us I do not know.
But I'm enjoying it.
Because I know all too well what comes next: once this beautiful weather ends, we won't see it again until next Summer.
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