I mean, obviously.
My 2010 Year in Review was a no-brainer. There were two very distict (distinctly different) events to point to last year.
The events of 2011 were a bit more gradual and not necessarily obvious, except to me.
1. I experienced a serious PITA first thing last January that really pissed me off and made me all emotional and stuff. Specifically, this PITA was a problem with the squishy stuff (yes that's a technical medical term) in between 2 of my lower lumbar that was very painful and stayed that way for awhile.
2. I went through a lot of personal growth and learning last winter and spring. I was a bit of a drama queen. I had a DUH moment. I ruminated on romance (or the lack thereof). Didn't blog at all for a few weeks. Got more adventurous with my knitting. Six months post-bypass came and I realized I was learning how to turn my "wounds into wisdom".
3. I began a series of posts highlighting Random Acts of Kindness.
4. I turned 37 in April and starting shedding expectations, to be truly grateful for whatever gifts come my way. Little or big or whatever. To simply celebrate life.
5. I wrote a post about my boobs and then said a prayer.
6. June brought 3 milestones for my kids. AJ graduated from Pre-K, Camryn bridged from Junior to Cadette Girl Scout and then she graduated from 5th grade. I was a proud mom, while asking myself what is going on here?? July also brought Cami's 11th birthday and our 13th wedding anniversary.
7. Over the summer I dove head-first into blogging more. I discovered memes, writing prompts and Twitter. I made new friends and learned so much!
8. The kids and I got to spend a week with family and friends in Lake Tahoe in August. I didn't know how happy I would be to go back until I did.
9. The 1 year anniversary of Mark's bypass and the "night from hell" came and I proclaimed that it had been the worst night of my life, to date. But also that I came "away from nearly realizing my biggest fear with a fuller heart and with so much gratitude, I can't even fully express it."
10. My family experienced the sudden loss of my uncle on October 22. I made it through November NaBloPoMo complaining that I didn't win a prize only to turn around and win THREE prizes elsewhere (I am now thinking the Universe heard everyone's outrage at my prize-less NaBloPoMo). Lastly, we've been dealing with a medical hiccup with Mark and then had Christmas!
(If you'd like my year in more of a nutshell, you should really read my guest post at finallyMom.)
I think 2011 was a pretty full year. Ups and downs and twists and turns. But isn't that how every year is? It wasn't exceptional, nor did it suck, and that's totally fine with me. Now I am looking forward to 2012 armed with all that I've learned this year!

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