March 30, 2012

TGIF: The BIG Gratitude Edition

Wow. Just wow.

And here I thought I wouldn't be feeling happy today, that writing a TGIF post would be a challenge.

That's what I get for thinkin'!

How is it that the older I get, the less I seem to know?

What are you talking about, Jennifer??

Okay, okay. Like Mark says, "Hold your pantyhose!"

So this has been the month from Hell and I'm very glad it ends tomorrow. But thankfully, we get to leave March with some good news in our back pockets.

Here's what I posted on our family Facebook page:

My cousin keeps teasing that Mark is a big faker. His step-sister says he has about 98 lives. My dad and I joked that he's just an attention seeker. It's all out of love. Truly, deep and abiding love.

I am so grateful.

I believe Mark's recovery from this is a true testament to the power of prayer and positive energy. And yet another example of my husband's fighting spirit. I believe he DECIDED he wasn't gonna die yet.

I know it's not like Mark is cured of Diabetes or kidney failure, or like this little episode never happened or his heart is none the worse for wear. But by God, I think we are allowed to breath a sigh of relief at this news. We do still have some time. Mark isn't done yet.

If this doesn't give us perspective, nothing will. We will not take this good news for granted. There will be no "guess that's over with" mentality. We will go ahead with our vow renewal in May and Mark will go ahead with his plan to make videos for the kids. I want to start helping Mark to cross some things off his bucket list.

We will keep squeezing those drops out of life, and never forget what we have to lose.

Not only am I extremely grateful to know Mark is doing much better, but I have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support from all around. From our loyal and steadfast family and friends, to Mark's uber generous co-workers and prayer chains from far and wide. Every single last bit of it was noticed, felt and appreciated. And I don't even mean to say that in the past tense, as I'm sure it won't just end here. It's just.... A-MA-ZING!

Where will the next twist of the roller coaster take us?

Write up some HAPPY, grab the button, link it up!
(Linky open all weekend.)


  1. Jen, that is GREAT news!! I'm SO so happy that you guys can breath a sigh of relief. Hallelujah!

  2. Run, don't walk, to the store and buy a lottery ticket, eh?!


    1. You're not the only one who has suggested that!

  3. Yay!!!!!!! That is such amazing news!

  4. this is some fantastic fantastic news! AND ABOUT TIME!

    1. When i first read this, I thought you said AND ABOUT ME. I was like what?? LOL

  5. So, so happy to hear this news! Woo hoo!

    1. Hmmmm....I just replied, but now it's not showing up, so sorry if this appears twice. I decided to go a different route with my post today, but I'm here! :)

  6. So GLAD you finally had a TGIF post for March!!
    Like your Dad said... go make Mark buy that Lotto ticket!!
    Hugs and Love from MOM!

  7. So wonderful! I can tell you are more positive and energetic. So glad for some good news.

  8. What wonderful news!! So glad for your family. I am sure that it is a blessing to hear that news. I am positive that April will be better than March, at least that's what I am telling myself anyway. Congrats on the great news!
