February 21, 2012

It's Two - Two Posts in One!

First, I'm a guest over at at Paul's The Ossington Kitchen for his Social Media Series.

Did you know February is Social Media Month in the Kitchen? Well it is!

I worked pretty hard on my post and would love it if you guys went and read and commented!

CLICK HERE for the #411 on Twitter


I have a Girlfriend Guru post up over at Girlfriendology about seizing the day. Leap Day, that is!

Girlfriendology.com Girlfriend Guru

CLICK HERE for that post!
Oh, and if you "like" this post, I could win a VISA gift card!

Let's BEE Friends


  1. You're at my cousin's blog?
    so cool....I am heading over and crashing your party ;)

  2. Thank you for your time over with me in the Kitchen. I had no idea you were doing two posts today, Like how you think about Leap Day BTW.
    Thanks again and next time there will be cookies LOL.

    1. I didn't know I'd have 2 posts published today either. Girlfriendology doesn't ask me when I'd like my posts published. So it just happened that they were both today. No biggie. I came up with a cute title!
