January 20, 2012

TGIF: 6 Years Edition

Welcome to a new & improved....

All things have their growing pains, right? I think a blog meme is no exception. It might take a little time to know exactly what you're going for, the feel/tone of it and such.

At least that's what I'm telling myself.

TGIF started out as talking about something Terrific, something you're Grateful for or something Important , focusing on the positive at the end of the week. Then I realized that people just may not be able to find something like that in their week.  I also decided I wanted to have others guest post here every other week and it seemed hard to ask them last minute, you know? And then I wrote my last TGIF post about my little Coke scrapbook and GetGlue stickers, which was all about stuff that makes me happy in some way.

So I decided that TGIF should simply be about whatever makes us happy, whatever is making you happy....whatever, however...just happy stuff.

So come and get your happy on with me!

* * * * *

This week I'm talking about my AJ.  His 6th birthday is tomorrow.

He shares his birthday with my MIL. It's so interesting.  When we told her I was pregnant and that my due date was January 19, she said, "Well keep your legs crossed until the 21st!", and I ended up being induced first thing in the morning on the 21st.

My dad's birthday is on the 22nd, and my J.Ho's birthday, my kids' Godmother, is on the 23rd.  AJ has good company all the way around.

Having my son made me very happy because I really wanted 2 children, and it turns out he is the only boy in our family. I remember when I was pregnant my FIL asking me, "Do we know yet if there's a stem on the apple?" Haha!

I have prepared some pictures to show how he's changed over the years, and I'm linking them with Mama Wants This! and These Little Waves for this month's....

Six years already! I swear his little boy years are going by so much faster than Cami's little girl years did. Looking through these photos I am floored. AJ is a handful, but I am in awe of his spunk, his energy, his mind and just what a handsome little man he is. I'm very proud to be his mom.

Source: forum.baby-gaga.com via Just on Pinterest

Go get your happy on and link up with me!


  1. Happy birthday!!!!! Adorable photos. Just adorable. They grow up way to quick.

    1. Thank you. What's that they say, that the days go by like molasses but the years go by in the blink of an eye? That.

  2. Love the idea of just making it things that make us happy! Happy birthday AJ! Time really does go too fast! (Also, this means Hunter and AJ are only a few months apart, they TOTALLY need to have a play date)

  3. Oh my heart, I *love* how you did this through the years!

    This? Is absolutely perfect!

    Happy birthday to your little guy!!

  4. Happy Birthday AJ!!!!!!!!!!!!! All the pictures are great but I LOVE the one in front of the chalkboard. I don't know why, it just makes me smile.

    1. I think that one looks sorta 70s-ish, but of course I like it too!

  5. Happy Birthday AJ! I love seeing him grow up in the pictures!

    1. It was actually kind of hard for me to put these pics together! I nearly cried!

  6. Happy Happy Birthday to AJ! He is beyond cute! And such a beautiful tribute. Thanks for sharing with us, Jennifer!

    1. Thanks so much, Terri. Of course I think he's pretty darn cute!

  7. You know what, your TGIF post make me happy!! Just what I needed to see this "wanna bite my own butt miserable" morning.
    He is such a sweet and handsome boy, I like the way you counted up to 6 with these, they are great!!

    1. Bite your own butt miserable?? What could possibly be making you feel that way? Well, I'm glad I could put a smile on your face!

  8. I love what you did with those photos. Such a cutie patootie! You should make a collage out it. Happy B-day AJ!! :)
